group trips

Rafters holding paddles up

Beginner Rafting Trips in Colorado

If you don’t have much experience rafting, choosing the right Whitewater Rafting experience for you can seem like a daunting endeavor. We’re here to help you […]

calendar journal

Why Winter is the Best Time to Plan a Summer Adventure

While winter might seem an odd time to plan a summer adventure, savvy travelers know that the colder months offer the best deals and ensure […]

Group rafting smiling

How to Save Money on your Summer Rafting Trip

How to Save Money on your Summer Rafting Trip Whitewater Rafting is one of the most fun summer adventures, and it doesn’t have to be […]

Rafting Brown's Canyon

Colorado’s High Water: What it Means for Your 2023 Rafting Adventure

The past few years, Colorado’s rivers have experienced severe drought conditions, yet thankfully, this winter season brought above-average snow levels. Depending on the basin, snowpack […]